About · Beliefs · Goals

Beyond the Plus is an organization for all orientations and identities. We believe that people with diverse attractions and identities should support each other and work together towards a future where all queer people can live in harmony, without gatekeeping and appeasement to our enemies. We are fighting for everyone.

We believe that the mainstream queer community is too gatekept in who is and isn't "allowed" to be queer. We rally for the rights of everyone queer, no exceptions. Our main focus is on orientations and identities that aren't widely accepted, as well as related groups that need liberation, such as MAPs and other paraphiles, otherkin and other transid, and youthlib. We believe that everyone's attractions and sense of self is valid, and that in order to bring rights for one group of people, we need to stop adding letters to "LGBT" one at a time, and open the flood gates and let everyone queer in.

Beyond the Plus is based in Seattle, WA, United States. This is where we hold our events and where our staff meets to discuss the future of the organization. We also have a significant presence online. This website has a slew of resources, and we have various social media accounts listed at the bottom of the page to follow to get updates and see what's new.

Some of the Beyond the Plus staff wish the publicly identify themselves, while others do not; we believe that leading an honest, mask off presence is importance to gaining the trust of our members. Our board is comprised of the following people:

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