About · Beliefs · Goals

Beyond the Plus adheres to beliefs and values that we hold dear to our hearts, it's what drives us to put in the time and effort into these causes to spread the knowledge on orientations and identities. Beyond the Plus believes in:


Bodily autonomy is respecting that everyone is in charge of their own body. It means that consent in relationships is important, and everyone gets to decide what consent means for them. It means that if they want to identify a certain way, then they should have the resources available to transition how they want and align their physical body with how they see themself. This core belief is what drives us to fight for orientation and identity, since many struggle with parts of themselves that society doesn't want them to have.


Lots of groups in the world are oppressed. Lots of stigma against love of a group that is oppressed in emplaced because people want to maintain control over that group. The only path to equality is liberation, and that means that the people we love, like youth and animals, need the rights they deserve to make their own decisions and not be an object to a owner.

Sex Positivity

Sex positivity is the belief that sex is a natural part of our lives as reproductive animals, and that there shouldn't be a stigma around it. Sex is a normal part of our species, and as such, it shouldn't be treated as the taboo topic that it is. We believe that resources for sex and relationships should be available to everyone who wants it, and that sex education is important.


Queer means weird, and that's something you can't define. You can't say that one thing is queer and another isn't. Gatekeeping is used to try and prevent who can and can't use a label, but labels and communities are growing all the time. We believe that anyone can be queer in their own way, and that telling someone their orientation or identity isn't valid isn't right. First it was gay men, then lesbians, then trans people, and to this day various groups are trying to justify why their initial should be added to "LGBT", but if we continue letting in one group at a time, we'll never see a day where everyone accepted. It's time to end the gatekeeping and just be "queer".

No Hate

Our organization is founded on the belief of inclusionism over exclusionism. Many hate groups over time (such as Nazis) have tried to weasel their way into mainstream society, saying that anyone who doesn't accept them is being a hypocritical bigot, but we know that including people who hate others is not the way to go. Our foundation is love, and including someone on the basis that they want to exclude others just doesn't make sense. The more inclusion the better, but including those who want to exclude isn't inclusive at all. Hate has no home here.


One group on their own can make change, but when two groups of similar people are fighting for the same rights, it spreads out what could be a larger movement. We believe that by sticking to a general cause, we can unite more people than an organization fighting for one specific group's specific cause. By banding together over the beliefs of Autonomy, Liberation, Sex Positivity, Queerness, No Hate, and Unity, we can do more together than we can apart. 

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